RIISAM204E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate small plant and equipment in the resources and infrastructure industries.
RIICRC319E - Saw and cut concrete pavements to initiate planned cracks ONLINE OPTION AVAILABLE! Half day face to face Practical.
RIIHAN307E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate, maintain and shift loads using a vehicle loading crane.
RIIHAN305D - Operate a gantry or overhead crane ONLINE OPTION AVAILABLE! Half day face to face Practical.
RIIHAN203E - Conduct lifting operations ONLINE OPTION AVAILABLE! face to face Practical.
RIIHAN309F – The Gold Card Training Program has been designed for people needing to develop the skills and knowledge required to operate Telescopic Materials Handlers.
MSMWJ306 & RIICCM303 - These units describe the skills and knowledge required to operate a vacuum loading system and conduct vacuum excavations.
RIIHAN308F – This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to load and unload plant.
RIINHB323D - This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to conduct horizontal directional drilling in Civil construction and Drilling. This unit is appropriate for those working in driller roles.
RIIMPO320F - Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations
RIIMPO318F - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required operate a skid steer loader to load, haul and distribute materials.
RIIMPO321F - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct wheeled front end loader operations.
RIIMPO316E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate a Compactor.
RIIMPO337E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate, load, haul and dump materials using an articulated haul truck.
RIICBS305E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct asphalt paver operations in civil construction.
RIIMPO317F - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate a roller to compact material. This unit applies to those working in site based roles.
RIIMPO319E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate a backhoe/loader to load, distribute and place materials.
RIIMPO323E - Conduct civil construction dozer operations
RIIMPO324F - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct grader operations.
RIIMPO325E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct scraper operations. This unit applies to those working in site based roles.
RIIMPO315E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate tractors and use attachments.
RIIMPO326E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to load, haul and distribute water using a water vehicle.
RIIVEH304E - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct tip truck operations in the resources and infrastructure industries.
RIICBS316 - This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct pavement sweeping operations in the resources and infrastructure industries.