About this course
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Course Overview
Certification for Substation Access (formerly Accredited for Entry) is provided to those persons who are required to enter MTS substations as part of their duties.
While no Electrical Qualification is required for this role candidates must demonstrate a sound understanding of electrical hazards.
Metro Trains Sydney Electrical Safety Rules sets out how we work safely around electrical equipment. As a person entering substations or HV areas you have a responsibility to read and understand relevant sections of the ESR. These sections include:
- Hazards and Warnings
- Access to Substations
- Safe Approach Distances
Important: Substations include, RMU Rooms, and 1500VDC Link Switch Rooms
Completion of this course allows you to work in a substation under supervision or enter a substation unsupervised for inspection purposes only.
Note: At completion of this course you will be considered as an Instructed person with regard to the Safe Approach Distances (SAD’s)
Substation Access - entering a substation
Persons holding Substation Access are permitted to enter a substation without supervision.
Holders of this authorisation are only permitted to undertake work for which they hold the relevant Training, Qualifications and Authorisations/Certifications.
Substation Access does NOT allow a person to hold a permit within a substation, irrelevant of Permit Holder Authorisation.
What you will Learn
- Information from the Metro Trains Sydney Electrical Safety Rules for persons certified for Substation Access
- Areas that can be accessed
- Identification of substation equipment
- Substation Safety and Access
- Relevant Hazards and Warnings
- Procedure to Enter and Exit a Substation or HV Room
- Safe Approach Distances
- Safety Equipment in Substations
- Emergency response
- Competency Level Restrictions
Course Booking
Course enquiries please email [email protected] the below information:
- Company Name
- Candidates Full Name as recorded on their RIW Profile
- Mobile Number
- Date of Birth
- RIW Number
47 Tallawong Road, Tallawong NSW 2762 – Sydney Metro Train Facility (SMTF)
Infrastructure Building - Briefing Room (see below map)
Please ensure:
- You are punctual and arrive on time
- Please wear full PPE (Long sleeve shirt, Long trousers, Steel capped boots, High visibility vest or shirt, Hard Hat)
- Please have your RIW card
- Please ensure you have completed the eLearning. (You will not be issued with a certificate and you will not be authorised until it is)
Before commencing this course, you must;
- Have successfully completed the MTS Introduction to Rail Safety (MIRS)
- Have successfully completed the MTS Electrical Safety Awareness (MESA)
- Have demonstrated a need to enter MTS substations
- Hold a current Rail Industry Worker card
Candidates seeking certification with MTS for Substation Access are required to meet the requirements set out below from Electrical Certifications for Instructed and Authorised Persons
See 4.1 Generic requirements table 2
- General Construction Induction Training Card (WHITE CARD)
- Statement of Attainment - TLIF0020 - Safely access the rail corridor
- Minimum Cat 3 – Rail Industry medical assessment
- Metro Introduction to Rail Safety (MIRS) - ELEARNING ONLY (EL151)
- MTS Electrical Safety Awareness (MESA) - ELEARNING ONLY (EL152)
Upon satisfactory completion of assessment participants will be issued a Statement of Attendance for MTS Substation Access Training (970223).
Pipeline Training will upload your certification to your RIW profile and you will receive a soft copy by email.
You will need to contact your administration and ask that they add the following MTS Job Roles to your RIW profile if this has not already been done.
- MTS - Qualified Worker
- MTS Substation Access
MTS Substation Access
$270+GST per person
Course Duration
7:30am - 10:15am (Face to Face)
Course bookings
When: For course dates please email [email protected]
Where: 47 Tallawong Road, Tallawong NSW 2762 Sydney Metro Trains Facility (SMTF)
Location: Infrastructure Briefing Room