Endeavour Energy Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) Refresher and/or Authorisation to Carry Out Excavation Work Near the Endeavour Energy Network
UEEEL0078 - Install and commission whole current electricity meters
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation UETDRRF004 - Perform Rescue from Live LV Panel UETDRRF007 - Provide First Aid in an ESI Environment UETDRMP011 - Testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks UEEEL0078 - Install and commission whole current electricity meters
UETDREL006 - Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker (Operate or Observe Plant Near Overhead Electrical Apparatus) Formerly Working near Overhead Powerlines
UETDRMP007 - Perform rescue from a live LV panel HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation UETDRMP010 - This unit covers the provision of first aid in an electricity supply industry (ESI) environment
RIICCM202E – Identify, Locate, and Protect Underground Services This course is an industry requirement for anyone involved in excavation work or observing such activities. It equips participants with essential knowledge and skills to comply with current legislation and fulfill their duty of care in identifying and locating underground services before starting any excavation.